Digital biography rubric for 5th grade
Digital biography rubric for 5th grade | iRubric YX52B Rubric title Biography Project Rubric for 5th Grade. |
Digital biography rubric for 5th grade famous person research project | This resource is perfect for 3rd-5th grade students to dive into the life and legacy of a famous historical figure! |
Digital biography rubric for 5th grade pop art project | This document provides guidance for 5th grade students on writing a biography research project on Alexander the Great. |
Digital biography rubric for 5th grade informational writing | This document provides guidance for 5th grade students on writing a biography research project on Alexander the Great. |
- Digital biography rubric for 5th grade iRubric YX52B Rubric title Biography Project Rubric for 5th Grade.
- Digital biography rubric for 5th grade famous person research project This resource is perfect for 3rd-5th grade students to dive into the life and legacy of a famous historical figure!
- Digital biography rubric for 5th grade pop art project This document provides guidance for 5th grade students on writing a biography research project on Alexander the Great.
- Digital biography rubric for 5th grade informational writing This document provides guidance for 5th grade students on writing a biography research project on Alexander the Great.